Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A complete Bayesian model for sensory profiling data

In this post I will try to add an important parts in the sensory profiling model I have been building. This concerns the question: 'Are all panelists equally reproducible?'. Obviously the answer is no, some are better than others. From this observation stems the approach in which under performing panelists are removed prior to the final analysis. The beauty of the Bayesian model is that this removal is not needed. The model can weigh down the panelists based on performance.
Finally, it could be chosen to introduce the concept that the data is not normal. An error distribution with fatter tails may give more robust results. For the current data, any look at the data will reveal that it is not normal. Panelists only use the numbers 0 to 10, suggesting a ordered logistic model, which is for another time. A continuous line scale with values 0 to 100 is used most often in sensory profiling. For a line scale using a t distribution rather than normal distribution can be appropriate. The beauty is, in the Bayesian model the data can be used to determine the degrees of freedom for the t distribution. To allow general application of the model I will leave the error normal though.

Modelling panelists' individual error

The model statements needed for this model part are taken from Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models' by Gelman and Hill (2007).
First the error must be made panelist dependent:

y[i] ~ dnorm(fit[i],tau)


y[i] ~ dnorm(fit[i],tauPanelist[Panelist[i]])
Obviously tauPanelist needs its prior distribution, for which we need non informative hyperpriors. 
for (i in 1:nPanelist) {
         tauPanelist[i] <-  pow(sdPanelist[i],-2)
sdPanelist[i] ~ dlnorm(mu.lsdP,tau.lsdP)
mu.lsdP ~ dnorm(0,.0001)
tau.lsdP <- pow(sigma.lsdP,-2)
sigma.lsdP ~ dunif(0,100)

Our interest is in sdPanelist[ ], which will be examined in the result phase.
A consequence of adding this model part is the need for more precise variable names. There was a variable sdPanelist before, which concerned the standard deviation between panelists' means. This has been renamed to sdPanel.


Results consist of three parts, statements about the model, the panel and statements about the product. 

Model results

This section should contain the output of the fit. However, by now it is 128 lines of output and a stack of figures. Who wants that in a blog? For briefness a few remarks. I was very afraid that the model would misbehave and give correlation between panelists error and panelists scale usage values. This did not happen in any obvious way, for which I am very happy. 
What did happen was a lack of mixing for the term sdSessionPanelist. If this happens more often action is needed. As it is, this is a parameter of minor interest, so I let it be. However, the temptation is there to either attempt to reformulate the model or increase the number of samples.

Panel results

To start with the panel, we can draw three figures, location, scale and error.
Panelists' means reveal that panelist 10 scores a bit higher than the other panelists. Panelist 25 also has a bit high value and 21 a bit low value. 
Panelists' scales reveal that panelists 13 and 23 use a bit wider scale than the other panelists.  
Finally we have the figure for panelists' error. Panelist 29, 7 and 20 are less well performing than the other panelists. 
All things considered, I would focus on the most important parts of the panel performance. The few panelists with high standard error, such as panelist 29. After that I would look at location. Scale usage seems to be much more in order.
However, there are 14 descriptors in the data, so similar plots can be made for the other descriptors. So, based on those results I would reassess my statements about training. Hence we need all the analysis. While fitting all this in a loop is not much of a problem, this does not seem satisfactory. Panels run as a matter of standard on daily or weekly basis. How about a report for each product set, in full, within a day? This way panel feedback can be quick and efficient. To get there, it would be nice to make the analysis in a standard report. This seems to beg for usage of sweave, odfweave or knitr. Especially knitr seems to be the product to use, considering the recent postings on www.r-bloggers.com.

Product results

The added model terms have increased the number of product differences and decreased standard deviations. This is not so strange, the less performing panelists are weighed down. In this respect, it seems the model is performing admirably.
   v1 v2

2   1  3
3   2  3
4   1  4
6   3  4
9   3  5
11  1  6
13  3  6

          Mean        SD    Naive SE Time-series SE
choc1 6.987792 0.1833657 0.002899266    0.002886758
choc2 6.597215 0.1796334 0.002840253    0.003067686
choc3 4.842514 0.1975550 0.003123619    0.003345383
choc4 6.363283 0.1787572 0.002826399    0.002985240
choc5 6.665101 0.1833072 0.002898341    0.003356131
choc6 6.486780 0.1795052 0.002838226    0.002685428

R code


FullContrast <- function(n) {
FullContrast.default <- function(n) stop('FullContrast only takes integer and factors')
FullContrast.integer <- function(n) {
mygrid <- expand.grid(v1=1:n,v2=1:n)
mygrid <- mygrid[mygrid$v1<mygrid$v2,]
rownames(mygrid) <- 1:nrow(mygrid)
FullContrast.factor <- function(n) {


data_list <- with(sensochoc,list(Panelist = as.numeric(Panelist),
nPanelist = nlevels(Panelist),
Product = as.numeric(Product),
nProduct = nlevels(Product),
Round = Rank,
nRound = length(unique(Rank)),
Session = Session,
nSession = length(unique(Session)),
data_list$Productcontr <-  FullContrast(sensochoc$Product) 
data_list$nProductcontr <- nrow(data_list$Productcontr)

model.file <- file.path(tempdir(),'mijnmodel.txt')

mymodel <- function() {
# core of the model  
for (i in 1:N) {
fit[i] <-  grandmean +  mPanelist[Panelist[i]] +  mSessionPanelist[Session[i],Panelist[i]] + 
(mProduct[Product[i]] + mRound[Round[i]]) * sPanelist[Panelist[i]]
y[i] ~ dnorm(fit[i],tauPanelist[Panelist[i]])
for (i in 1:nPanelist) {
    tauPanelist[i] <-  pow(sdPanelist[i],-2)
sdPanelist[i] ~ dlnorm(mu.lsdP,tau.lsdP)
mu.lsdP ~ dnorm(0,.0001)
tau.lsdP <- pow(sigma.lsdP,-2)
sigma.lsdP ~ dunif(0,100)
grandmean ~ dnorm(0,.001)
# variable Panelist distribution  
for (i in 1:nPanelist) {
mPanelist[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauPanelMean) 
tauPanelMean ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)
sdPanelMean <- sqrt(1/tauPanelMean)
# Product distribution 
for (i in 1:nProduct) {
mProduct[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauProduct)
tauProduct ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)
sdProduct <- sqrt( 1/tauProduct)
for (i in 1:nRound) {
mRound[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauRound) 
tauRound <- 1/(sdRound^2)
sdRound ~ dnorm(0,4) %_% T(0,)
for (i in 1:nSession) {
for (j in 1:nPanelist) {
  mSessionPanelist[i,j] ~ dnorm(0,tauSessionPanelist)
tauSessionPanelist <- 1/(sdSessionPanelist^2)
sdSessionPanelist ~ dnorm(0,4) %_% T(0,)
# distribution of the multiplicative effect
for (i in 1:nPanelist) {
sPanelist[i] <- exp(EsPanelist[i])
EsPanelist[i] ~ dnorm(0,9)  
# getting the interesting data
# true means for Panelist
for (i in 1:nPanelist) {
meanPanelist[i] <-  grandmean + mPanelist[i] +  
mean(mSessionPanelist[1:nSession,i]) + 
      ( mean(mProduct[1:nProduct]) + mean(mRound[1:nRound]))*sPanelist[i]
# true means for Product
for (i in 1:nProduct) {
meanProduct[i] <- grandmean + 
mean(mPanelist[1:nPanelist]) + 
mean(mSessionPanelist[1:nSession,1:nPanelist]) +
(mProduct[i] + mean(mRound[1:nRound]) )*exp(mean(EsPanelist[1:nPanelist]))  
for (i in 1:nProductcontr) {
Productdiff[i] <- meanProduct[Productcontr[i,1]]-meanProduct[Productcontr[i,2]]


inits <- function() list(
grandmean = rnorm(1,3,1),
mPanelist = c(0,rnorm(data_list$nPanelist-1)) ,
mProduct = c(0,rnorm(data_list$nProduct-1)) ,
EsPanelist = rnorm(data_list$nPanelist) ,
tau = runif(1,1,2),
tauPanel = runif(1,1,3),
tauProduct = runif(1,1,3),
mRound = rnorm(data_list$nRound),
sdRound = abs(rnorm(1)),
mSessionPanelist= matrix(rnorm(data_list$nPanelist*data_list$nSession),nrow=data_list$nSession),
sdSessionPanelist = abs(rnorm(1)),

#parameters <- c('sdPanelist','sdProduct','gsd','meanPanelist','meanProduct','Productdiff','sPanelist','sdRound','mRound')
parameters <- c('sdPanelMean','sdProduct','meanProduct','Productdiff','mPanelist','sPanelist','sdRound','mRound','sdSessionPanelist','sdPanelist','mu.lsdP','sigma.lsdP')

jagsfit <- jags(data=data_list,inits=inits,model.file=model.file,parameters.to.save=parameters,n.chains=4,DIC=FALSE,n.iter=20000)

# jagsfit # not shown
# plot(jagsfit) # not shown

jagsfit.mc <- as.mcmc(jagsfit)
# plot(jagsfit.mc) # not shown

fitsummary <- summary(jagsfit.mc)

# extract the scale effects and plot them
sPanelist <- fitsummary$quantiles[ grep('sPanelist',rownames(fitsummary$quantiles)),]
colnames(sPanelist) <-c('x2.5','x25','x50','x75','x97.5')
sPanelist <- as.data.frame(sPanelist)
sPanelist$pnum <- 1:nrow(sPanelist)
limits <- aes(ymax = sPanelist$x97.5, ymin=sPanelist$x2.5) 
p <- ggplot(sPanelist, aes(y=x50, x=pnum)) 
p + geom_point() + geom_errorbar(limits, width=0.2) + scale_y_log10('Panelist scale') + scale_x_continuous("Panelist number") 

sdPanelist <- fitsummary$quantiles[ grep('sdPanelist',rownames(fitsummary$quantiles)),]
colnames(sdPanelist) <-c('x2.5','x25','x50','x75','x97.5')
sdPanelist <- as.data.frame(sdPanelist)
sdPanelist$pnum <- 1:nrow(sdPanelist)
limits <- aes(ymax = sdPanelist$x97.5, ymin=sdPanelist$x2.5) 
p <- ggplot(sdPanelist, aes(y=x50, x=pnum)) 
p + geom_point() + geom_errorbar(limits, width=0.2) + scale_y_log10('Panelist standard error') + scale_x_continuous("Panelist number") 

mPanelist <- fitsummary$quantiles[ grep('mPanelist',rownames(fitsummary$quantiles)),]
colnames(mPanelist) <-c('x2.5','x25','x50','x75','x97.5')
mPanelist <- as.data.frame(mPanelist)
mPanelist$pnum <- 1:nrow(mPanelist)
limits <- aes(ymax = mPanelist$x97.5, ymin=mPanelist$x2.5) 
p <- ggplot(mPanelist, aes(y=x50, x=pnum)) 
p + geom_point() + geom_errorbar(limits, width=0.2) + scale_y_continuous('Panelist mean') + scale_x_continuous("Panelist number") 

# extract product differences
Productdiff <- fitsummary$quantiles[ grep('Productdiff',rownames(fitsummary$quantiles)),]
# extract differences different from 0
data_list$Productcontr[Productdiff[,1]>0 | Productdiff[,5]<0,]
# get the product means
ProductMean <- fitsummary$statistics[ grep('meanProduct',rownames(fitsummary$quantiles)),]
rownames(ProductMean) <- levels(sensochoc$Product)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Extending the sensory profiling data model

In this post I extend the multiplicative Bayesian sensory profiling model with effects for rounds and sessions. Is is not a difficult extension, but it brings the need for informative priors into the model. I do believe round and session effects exist, but, they are small. The Bayesian paradigm allows to employ small directly in the model.


This model envisions round effects as a way to model effects due to carry over and contrast. To explain these, envision a panelist tasting. He/she rinses to clean the mouth, a product is served and subsequently tasted. After scoring all the descriptors for the product a few minutes break is planned. In this break there is time for rinsing, maybe crackers or apples or another convenient product to clean the palate. After these few minutes the next product is served.
In the ideal situation, any residuals from the first product are removed when the second product is tasted. In the less ideal reality, this is not always so. Hence a product is influenced by the previous product, this is carry over. It is also possible, if the first product is very strong in taste and the second weak, that the panelist may feel to enhance the difference due to the contrast with the first product. Again, a property from the first product is influencing the second product. This is a way to get carry over effect. There are some variations there, but the core of the message is this. A product which is evaluated as second product, is evaluated differently than the first product. There are protocols such as rinsing to minimize this difference, there are experimental designs (Williams designs) to ensure these effects do not result is bias in product effects. In the end, however, they may still be there. 
In the current model I have chosen to keep the model simple, and make the round effect a simple round effect, independent on products tasted and panelists which taste. This is obviously a simplification, but the model is complex enough as it is.

Implementation of a round effect

Given the way I explained the round effect, it follows that I see round effect as a perception effect. The consequence is that the round effect is subjected to similar scaling effects as the product effect. This leads to the following effect
  fit[i] <- ...+ (mProduct[Product[i]] + mRound[Round[i]])*sPanelist[Panelist[i]]
The second part of the round effect is the hyperdistribution for mRound. Rather than making this uninformative, I was this to be informative, in order to suggest these effects are small. mRound is normal distributed with precision tauRound
  mRound[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauRound) 
The prior is on the distribution of tauRound. The associated standard deviation is from a half normal distribution with standard deviation 1/2 (precision 4, sd = 1/sqrt(precision)). Hence sdRound is larger than 0 and probably less than 1 (two standard deviations).
  tauRound <- 1/(sdRound^2)
  sdRound ~ dnorm(0,4) %_% T(0,)
The construction %_% T(0,) needs explanation. Basically T(0,) adapts the distribution to be larger than 0 lower than infinite. JAGS is happily using the format dnorm(0,4) T(0,). However since the model is written in R and stored as R model, this is an illegal statement: an operator is needed. Hence the dummy instruction %_%. R is happy and thinks %_% will be resolved at runtime. Subsequently write.model finds this operator and removes it before it writes the model to the temp file, so JAGS does not know it was there at some point. Everybody happy.

Interpretation of the round effect

In terms of interpretation, there are two aspects. First of all, what is the size of the specific rounds. If the first round has a clear effect, this may mean that an improved palate cleanser can improve the data. The second aspect is the size of the round effect as such. If the effect is large, then it is possible that the tasting protocol needs to be adapted. Both of these are a matter of judgement rather than science. 

Session effect

The session effect is a slightly different kind of beast as the round effect. In pure ANOVA terms, it states that scores of one day are different, lower or higher, than another day. Unless one thinks that a product changes between days, this is actually an improbable effect. It is much more probable that for each panelist one day is different from the second day. In terms of mixed models, panelist * day is a random effect. Given the way this is introduced, the effect is additive on top of the panelist effect. Hence it is not dependent on panelists scale usage. 
fit[i] <-  ... +  mSessionPanelist[Session[i],Panelist[i]] + ...
The prior for mSessionPanelist[ ]  is the same as for mRound[ ].
Interpretation of the SessionPanelist effect is more simple than for rounds. There is not really much point in looking at each individual result, unless there is reason to suspect high variation for a specific panelist. Hence only the standard deviation is extracted from JAGS. A big standard deviation means that the panel is unsure and needs more training on the associated descriptor.


Jags output shows a low value for n.eff and Rhat a bit larger than 1 for the variable sdSessionPanelist. It appears this parameter has some difficulty mixing and updating. This is also the reason why the number of iterations has been increased to 20000.
It seems round is a bit more important than PanelistSession. The round effect is showing a large value for the first round, hence perhaps a palate cleanser might be in order. The second round has a similar negative effect, perhaps a contrast effect to the big effect of the first round.

Inference for Bugs model at "/tmp/RtmpJUFGM7/mijnmodel.txt", fit using jags,
 4 chains, each with 20000 iterations (first 10000 discarded), n.thin = 10
 n.sims = 4000 iterations saved
                  mu.vect sd.vect   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5%  Rhat n.eff
Productdiff[1]      0.502   0.274 -0.022  0.318  0.501  0.684  1.052 1.001  4000
Productdiff[2]      2.109   0.288  1.542  1.924  2.110  2.294  2.681 1.001  4000
Productdiff[3]      1.607   0.282  1.059  1.419  1.610  1.796  2.159 1.001  4000
Productdiff[4]      0.657   0.272  0.132  0.478  0.651  0.842  1.202 1.001  4000
Productdiff[5]      0.155   0.268 -0.373 -0.026  0.153  0.337  0.674 1.001  4000
Productdiff[6]     -1.452   0.273 -1.989 -1.639 -1.454 -1.268 -0.920 1.001  4000
Productdiff[7]      0.281   0.271 -0.252  0.100  0.279  0.465  0.806 1.001  4000
Productdiff[8]     -0.222   0.270 -0.751 -0.400 -0.221 -0.037  0.313 1.001  4000
Productdiff[9]     -1.829   0.283 -2.391 -2.018 -1.826 -1.643 -1.268 1.001  4000
Productdiff[10]    -0.377   0.265 -0.897 -0.553 -0.381 -0.200  0.145 1.001  4000
Productdiff[11]     0.541   0.270  0.032  0.354  0.535  0.725  1.078 1.001  4000
Productdiff[12]     0.038   0.270 -0.482 -0.141  0.038  0.221  0.562 1.001  4000
Productdiff[13]    -1.569   0.276 -2.114 -1.753 -1.573 -1.383 -1.021 1.001  4000
Productdiff[14]    -0.117   0.266 -0.638 -0.300 -0.114  0.060  0.402 1.001  4000
Productdiff[15]     0.260   0.264 -0.255  0.080  0.257  0.436  0.795 1.001  4000
gsd                 1.611   0.068  1.482  1.564  1.608  1.655  1.747 1.001  4000
mRound[1]           0.424   0.258 -0.063  0.251  0.409  0.585  0.956 1.001  4000
mRound[2]          -0.417   0.264 -0.963 -0.582 -0.401 -0.241  0.060 1.001  3300
mRound[3]           0.272   0.250 -0.198  0.112  0.261  0.425  0.807 1.001  3300
mRound[4]          -0.191   0.255 -0.737 -0.346 -0.179 -0.024  0.296 1.001  4000
mRound[5]          -0.275   0.245 -0.796 -0.430 -0.262 -0.111  0.178 1.001  4000
mRound[6]           0.090   0.244 -0.406 -0.058  0.089  0.240  0.574 1.001  4000
meanProduct[1]      6.973   0.202  6.587  6.837  6.971  7.114  7.360 1.001  4000
meanProduct[2]      6.471   0.196  6.089  6.343  6.470  6.603  6.851 1.001  3500
meanProduct[3]      4.864   0.207  4.463  4.725  4.864  5.000  5.275 1.001  4000
meanProduct[4]      6.316   0.193  5.941  6.188  6.311  6.445  6.702 1.001  4000
meanProduct[5]      6.693   0.195  6.312  6.564  6.694  6.822  7.080 1.001  4000
meanProduct[6]      6.433   0.192  6.039  6.304  6.438  6.564  6.800 1.001  4000
sdPanelist          0.959   0.176  0.646  0.837  0.943  1.064  1.350 1.001  4000
sdProduct           0.896   0.393  0.427  0.638  0.804  1.049  1.903 1.001  4000
sdRound             0.425   0.170  0.167  0.307  0.401  0.512  0.830 1.002  3000
sdSessionPanelist   0.237   0.147  0.020  0.119  0.217  0.336  0.560 1.024   300

For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).

Product differences are same as before. However, when the the round effect had a smaller precision and hence larger standard deviation, it was noted that product difference between 1 and 6 was not observed. It is a bit disturbing the effect is so clearly dependent on the prior employed.

Product means are slightly closer to each other than with the previous model, while the standard deviations are almost the same. 
          Mean        SD    Naive SE Time-series SE
choc1 6.973338 0.2018855 0.003192090    0.003270188
choc2 6.470882 0.1958250 0.003096265    0.003057404
choc3 4.863912 0.2069963 0.003272899    0.003379317
choc4 6.316028 0.1925660 0.003044736    0.003290025
choc5 6.692635 0.1949687 0.003082725    0.003631917
choc6 6.432695 0.1921969 0.003038899    0.003378925


The beauty of building models in JAGS is revealed here. A few effects are added, but the structure is not overly influenced. 
However, also the problems are revealed. The prior in round effects has influence on our opinion of product differences. There are two aspects to this. One of these is the undesired effect of trying to do hypothesis testing. A small change in data or model can push a parameter from one side of the brink to the other. Reality is that there is some indication an effect exists and the black and white line should not be drawn. The second aspect relates to model building itself. On the one hand it is undesirable that a change in prior has influence on the interpretation. On the other hand, this is what we do anyway. If a classical ANOVA is used, adding or removing a factor has similar effects on significance's. Getting it from a prior is a novelty, but should not make much of a difference in looking at the data analysis.
A final discussion point is how to combine the round and session effects with the scale effect previously used.   The current approach is to make the choice based on philosophical base rather than on data. While this is not ideal, I have the feeling this is not much of a problem. The round and session effects are small. Given the amount of data, model complexity and size of effects, I don't even think it is possible to discriminate between model variations data based. So, I do not think this is a large problem.

R code


FullContrast <- function(n) {
FullContrast.default <- function(n) stop('FullContrast only takes integer and factors')
FullContrast.integer <- function(n) {
mygrid <- expand.grid(v1=1:n,v2=1:n)
mygrid <- mygrid[mygrid$v1<mygrid$v2,]
rownames(mygrid) <- 1:nrow(mygrid)
FullContrast.factor <- function(n) {


data_list <- with(sensochoc,list(Panelist = as.numeric(Panelist),
nPanelist = nlevels(Panelist),
Product = as.numeric(Product),
nProduct = nlevels(Product),
Round = Rank,
nRound = length(unique(Rank)),
Session = Session,
nSession = length(unique(Session)),
data_list$Productcontr <-  FullContrast(sensochoc$Product) 
data_list$nProductcontr <- nrow(data_list$Productcontr)

model.file <- file.path(tempdir(),'mijnmodel.txt')

mymodel <- function() {
# core of the model  
for (i in 1:N) {
fit[i] <-  grandmean +  mPanelist[Panelist[i]] +  mSessionPanelist[Session[i],Panelist[i]] + 
(mProduct[Product[i]] + mRound[Round[i]]) * sPanelist[Panelist[i]]

y[i] ~ dnorm(fit[i],tau)
# grand mean and residual 
tau ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)
gsd <-  sqrt(1/tau)
grandmean ~ dnorm(0,.001)
# variable Panelist distribution  
for (i in 1:nPanelist) {
mPanelist[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauPanelist) 
tauPanelist ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)
sdPanelist <- sqrt(1/tauPanelist)
# Product distribution 
for (i in 1:nProduct) {
mProduct[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauProduct)
tauProduct ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)
sdProduct <- sqrt( 1/tauProduct)
for (i in 1:nRound) {
mRound[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauRound) 
tauRound <- 1/(sdRound^2)
sdRound ~ dnorm(0,4) %_% T(0,)
for (i in 1:nSession) {
for (j in 1:nPanelist) {
  mSessionPanelist[i,j] ~ dnorm(0,tauSessionPanelist)
tauSessionPanelist <- 1/(sdSessionPanelist^2)
sdSessionPanelist ~ dnorm(0,4) %_% T(0,)
# distribution of the multiplicative effect
for (i in 1:nPanelist) {
sPanelist[i] <- exp(EsPanelist[i])
EsPanelist[i] ~ dnorm(0,9)  
# getting the interesting data
# true means for Panelist
for (i in 1:nPanelist) {
meanPanelist[i] <-  grandmean + mPanelist[i] +  
mean(mSessionPanelist[1:nSession,i]) + 
      ( mean(mProduct[1:nProduct]) + mean(mRound[1:nRound]))*sPanelist[i]
# true means for Product
for (i in 1:nProduct) {
meanProduct[i] <- grandmean + 
mean(mPanelist[1:nPanelist]) + 
mean(mSessionPanelist[1:nSession,1:nPanelist]) +
(mProduct[i] + mean(mRound[1:nRound]) )*exp(mean(EsPanelist[1:nPanelist]))  
for (i in 1:nProductcontr) {
Productdiff[i] <- meanProduct[Productcontr[i,1]]-meanProduct[Productcontr[i,2]]



inits <- function() list(
grandmean = rnorm(1,3,1),
mPanelist = c(0,rnorm(data_list$nPanelist-1)) ,
mProduct = c(0,rnorm(data_list$nProduct-1)) ,
EsPanelist = rnorm(data_list$nPanelist) ,
tau = runif(1,1,2),
tauPanelist = runif(1,1,3),
tauProduct = runif(1,1,3),
mRound = rnorm(data_list$nRound),
sdRound = abs(rnorm(1)),
mSessionPanelist= matrix(rnorm(data_list$nPanelist*data_list$nSession),nrow=data_list$nSession),
sdSessionPanelist = abs(rnorm(1))

#parameters <- c('sdPanelist','sdProduct','gsd','meanPanelist','meanProduct','Productdiff','sPanelist','sdRound','mRound')
parameters <- c('sdPanelist','sdProduct','gsd','meanProduct','Productdiff','sdRound','mRound','sdSessionPanelist')

jagsfit <- jags(data=data_list,inits=inits,model.file=model.file,parameters.to.save=parameters,n.chains=4,DIC=FALSE,n.iter=20000)


jagsfit.mc <- as.mcmc(jagsfit)
fitsummary <- summary(jagsfit.mc)

# extract differences
Productdiff <- fitsummary$quantiles[ grep('Productdiff',rownames(fitsummary$quantiles)),]
# extract differences different from 0
data_list$Productcontr[Productdiff[,1]>0 | Productdiff[,5]<0,]
# get the product means
ProductMean <- fitsummary$statistics[ grep('meanProduct',rownames(fitsummary$quantiles)),]
rownames(ProductMean) <- levels(sensochoc$Product)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Multiplicative effects in sensory panel data

In a previous post I used JAGS to build the Bayesian equivalent of a two-way ANOVA. Effects were determined of products, panelists and their interaction. In this post this model will be rebuild to provide a more simplified and advanced model. The interaction between panelists and products is removed, which is the simplification. A multiplicative effect is added to represent scale usage by panelists, which is more advanced. Just to be clear, this scale effect is on top of a panelist dependent location effect.

Description of a scale effect

For me, in sensory analysis, a scale effect is that some panelists use wider scales than others. Imagine three products with 'true' mean effects A=3, B=4 and C=5. A panelist with large scale size might score these as A=2, B=4 and C=6. A panelist with small scale size might score A=3.5, B=4 and C=4.5. In addition, the normal additive effect is present, so a panelist with a normal scale size and low average might score A=2, B=3 and C=4. I would object to negative scale sizes, a panelist with scores A=5, B=4 and C=3 disagrees and does not have a scale of -1, this panelist hence provides evidence against A=3, B=4 and C=5.

Implementation of a scale effect

The implementation will follow the model of the previous post, with some changes. The essential changes are highlighted here. Full script is at the end of the post.

Fit the data

The multiplication itself is shown in this line
 fit[i] <-  grandmean +  mPanelist[Panelist[i]] + 
            mProduct[Product[i]] * sPanelist[Panelist[i]]
The part grandmean + mPanelist[ ]  is the location for the specific panelist. The overall mean (grandmean) plus the individual offset in mPanelist

mProduct[ ] contains the effects of the products. These are multiplied by sPanelist[ ] to get the product effect as scored by the individual panelists. 
In contrast to the previous model where mProduct[1] was defined as 0, in this model mProduct is drawn from a normal distribution with mean 0. This is chosen so that the scaling influences products with low means similar to products with high means. The model shows this as mProduct[ ] ~ dnorm(0,tauProduct).

sPanelist[ ] is the scaling. As stated before, it has to be positive. Also, a scaling of 1 (one) would be no scaling, while scaling 1/2 and 2 would be equally different from no scaling (1). I chose to use the exponential function on top of a normal distribution. The normal distribution has mean 0, which becomes 1 after exponentiation. The precision is 9. This represents a standard deviation of 1/3. Hence multiplication factors over exp(2/3) =2 or under 1/2 would need convincing data. This precision seems reasonable, but could be investigated further. As it is, this would have the widest scale 4 times as wide as the narrowest scale, which seems quite a lot to me.
sPanelist[ ] <- exp(EsPanelist[ ])
EsPanelist[ ] ~ dnorm(0,9) 

Estimates for products

Product estimates are now scale dependent. As the average scale for samples is not by definition 1, the scale needs to be incorporated on top of the location effects.
       meanProduct[ ] <- grandmean + mean(mPanelist[1:nPanelist]) + 
                         mProduct[ ]*exp(mean(EsPanelist[1:nPanelist])) 
grandmean + mean(mPanelist[1:nPanelist]) is an offset.
exp(mean(EsPanelist[1:nPanelist])) is the average scale over the panel. This specific formula is chosen so that a scale of 2 has a similar sized effect as a scale of 1/2. 


Panelist scale

The figure shows the posterior 95% intervals for panelist scale. All the intervals cover level 1. This may be due to the fact that the scale factor is determined on limited data, with 6 products and two repetitions in the data the intervals seem wide. It should also be noted that in a different calculation, where the prior for the scale had precision 4, the posterior intervals were a bit wider but visually similar. This shows that the prior has the desired effect on the posterior.
We learn from the scale information that panelist 13 and 28 have a rather wide scale usage. There are no panelists with a scale usage which is particularly small compared to the panel as a group. 

Product results

In the end, the product effects are almost indistinguishable from the previous results. The same product pairs seem different, the product means are slightly different, say a shift of 0.1 at most. The S.E. of the products are slightly smaller, e.g. in the first product 0.20 vs. 0.22 in the interaction model.

          Mean        SD    Naive SE Time-series SE
choc1 6.990775 0.2004567 0.003169499    0.003679465
choc2 6.532153 0.1991429 0.003148726    0.003090198
choc3 4.824947 0.2137638 0.003379902    0.003806849
choc4 6.294411 0.1984455 0.003137699    0.003369465
choc5 6.680679 0.1999901 0.003162121    0.003291441
choc6 6.383033 0.1991875 0.003149432    0.003189546


The model with a multiplicative scale effect is an interesting model to use. It makes sense in terms of how a panel works, which is aesthetically nice. In terms of product results the result is close to regular ANOVA with the example data. In terms of panel validation, it has an added value, it shows which panelists have a particularly high or low scale usage. 
The disadvantage is in the cumbersome analysis compared to a standard ANOVA. It is also an incomplete model, session effects and round effects which are often part of the sensory analysis need to be incorporated. Finally this model is that it has not been field tested or simulation tested in any way. Prior to presenting results as sensory results I would want to have some feeling how it compares to ANOVA.

R script


FullContrast <- function(n) {
FullContrast.default <- function(n) stop('FullContrast only takes integer and factors')
FullContrast.integer <- function(n) {
mygrid <- expand.grid(v1=1:n,v2=1:n)
mygrid <- mygrid[mygrid$v1<mygrid$v2,]
rownames(mygrid) <- 1:nrow(mygrid)
FullContrast.factor <- function(n) {


data_list <- with(sensochoc,list(Panelist = as.numeric(Panelist),
nPanelist = nlevels(Panelist),
Product = as.numeric(Product),
nProduct = nlevels(Product),
data_list$Productcontr <-  FullContrast(sensochoc$Product) 
data_list$nProductcontr <- nrow(data_list$Productcontr)

model.file <- file.path(tempdir(),'mijnmodel.txt')

mymodel <- function() {
# core of the model  
for (i in 1:N) {
fit[i] <-  grandmean +  mPanelist[Panelist[i]] +  mProduct[Product[i]] * sPanelist[Panelist[i]]
y[i] ~ dnorm(fit[i],tau)
# grand mean and residual 
tau ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)
gsd <-  sqrt(1/tau)
grandmean ~ dnorm(0,.001)
# variable Panelist distribution  
for (i in 1:nPanelist) {
mPanelist[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauPanelist) 
tauPanelist ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)
sdPanelist <- sqrt(1/tauPanelist)
# Product distribution 
for (i in 1:nProduct) {
mProduct[i] ~ dnorm(0,tauProduct)
tauProduct ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)
sdProduct <- sqrt( 1/tauProduct)
# distribution of the multiplicative effect
for (i in 1:nPanelist) {
sPanelist[i] <- exp(EsPanelist[i])
EsPanelist[i] ~ dnorm(0,9)  
# getting the interesting data
# true means for Panelist
for (i in 1:nPanelist) {
meanPanelist[i] <-  grandmean + mPanelist[i] + mean(mProduct[1:nProduct])*sPanelist[i]
# true means for Product
for (i in 1:nProduct) {
meanProduct[i] <- grandmean + mProduct[i]*exp(mean(EsPanelist[1:nPanelist]))  + mean(mPanelist[1:nPanelist])
for (i in 1:nProductcontr) {
Productdiff[i] <- meanProduct[Productcontr[i,1]]-meanProduct[Productcontr[i,2]]


inits <- function() list(
grandmean = rnorm(1,3,1),
mPanelist = c(0,rnorm(data_list$nPanelist-1)) ,
mProduct = c(0,rnorm(data_list$nProduct-1)) ,
EsPanelist = rnorm(data_list$nPanelist) ,
tau = runif(1,1,2),
tauPanelist = runif(1,1,3),
tauProduct = runif(1,1,3)

parameters <- c('sdPanelist','sdProduct','gsd','meanPanelist','meanProduct','Productdiff','sPanelist')
jagsfit <- jags(data=data_list,inits=inits,model.file=model.file,parameters.to.save=parameters,n.chains=4,DIC=FALSE,n.iter=10000)

# plot(jagsfit) # not shown in blog
jagsfit.mc <- as.mcmc(jagsfit)

# plot(jagsfit.mc) # not shown in blog

fitsummary <- summary(jagsfit.mc)
# extract the scale effects and plot them
sPanelist <- fitsummary$quantiles[ grep('sPanelist',rownames(fitsummary$quantiles)),]
colnames(sPanelist) <-c('x2.5','x25','x50','x75','x97.5')
sPanelist <- as.data.frame(sPanelist)
sPanelist$pnum <- 1:nrow(sPanelist)
limits <- aes(ymax = sPanelist$x97.5, ymin=sPanelist$x2.5) 
p <- ggplot(sPanelist, aes(y=x50, x=pnum)) 
p + geom_point() + geom_errorbar(limits, width=0.2) + scale_y_log10('Panelist scale') + scale_x_continuous("Panelist number") 

# extract differences
Productdiff <- fitsummary$quantiles[ grep('Productdiff',rownames(fitsummary$quantiles)),]
# extract differences different from 0
data_list$Productcontr[Productdiff[,1]>0 | Productdiff[,5]<0,]
# get the product means
ProductMean <- fitsummary$statistics[ grep('meanProduct',rownames(fitsummary$quantiles)),]
rownames(ProductMean) <- levels(sensochoc$Product)