Simple Improvements
The first thing I did was compare Berend's code, bubble_sort6, with mine own, bubble_sort5. The difference is, I thought, in the indexing, the double [ ][ ]. And it was 10% to 20% faster.library(microbenchmark)
bubble_sort5 = function(vec) {
wm <- which.max(vec)
vec <- c(vec[-wm],vec[wm])
for (iend in ((length(vec)-1):2)) {
wm <- which.max(vec[1:iend])
vec <- c(vec[1:iend][-wm],vec[1:iend][wm],vec[(iend+1):length(vec)])
bubble_sort6 = function(vec) {
wm <- which.max(vec)
vec <- c(vec[-wm],vec[wm])
for (iend in ((length(vec)-1):2)) {
tmp <- vec[1:iend]
wm <- which.max(tmp)
vec <- c(tmp[-wm],tmp[wm],vec[(iend+1):length(vec)])
So how about removing more indices? I can copy the vector, push the maximum in the correct space and eliminate from the original vector.
bubble_sort7 = function(vec) {
final <- vec
for (iend in (length(vec):1)) {
wm <- which.max(vec)
final[iend] <- vec[wm]
vec <- vec[-wm]
Why not eliminate the removal from the vector and place a low number there, so which.max skips those?
bubble_sort8 = function(vec) {
final <- vec
smallest <- min(vec)
for (iend in (length(vec):1)) {
wm <- which.max(vec)
final[iend] <- vec[wm]
vec[wm] <- smallest
The speed of number 7 and 8 are highest. Number 8 at vector_size = 1000. (To make the display compacted, the expression is slightly shortened).
vector_size = 1000
mbm <- microbenchmark(bubble_sort5(sample(vector_size)),
su <- summary(mbm)
levels(su$expr) <- gsub('sample(vector_size)','',levels(su$expr),fixed=TRUE)
expr min lq median uq max neval
1 bubble_sort5() 58382.570 69967.8920 70629.8475 71088.0120 85883.413 100
2 bubble_sort6() 42090.254 43020.5110 54414.1360 55058.8650 74350.140 100
3 bubble_sort7() 27909.892 28862.5065 29183.9545 39707.0685 241396.777 100
4 bubble_sort8() 24635.301 25061.5775 25356.6345 36344.5100 40485.581 100
5 sort() 321.081 503.2475 522.6735 534.7695 641.430 100
6 31.521 38.8525 48.3830 50.5815 53.514 100
but number 7 is fastest at vector.size=100.
expr min lq median uq max neval
1 bubble_sort5() 1792.338 1836.322 1880.6720 1928.322 2313.546 100
2 bubble_sort6() 1392.819 1416.644 1454.7630 1536.499 28460.422 100
3 bubble_sort7() 1364.230 1408.579 1433.5045 1507.177 1894.967 100
4 bubble_sort8() 1724.896 1773.279 1808.8320 1881.038 26898.999 100
5 sort() 177.401 258.405 336.8425 364.332 599.645 100
6 5.864 9.530 10.9960 13.562 20.526 100
The classic way to profile is using rprof(). I checked R-bloggers and found improved R profiling summaries by Noam Ross, from which I concluded that the only improvements were on output. I will use the classic output. This seems to work best, maybe that's because I work from Eclipse, maybe because I still use R 2.15.3, but other summaries did not work so well. It also seems 17% of the time is consumed by which.max and 80% by processes which are not registered by the profiler. Not very informative, but that may be because the example is too simple.Rprof("file.out",interval=.002)
for(i in 1:100) bubble_sort7(sample(1000))
self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
bubble_sort7 2.704 81.30 3.322 99.88
which.max 0.594 17.86 0.594 17.86
- 0.020 0.60 0.020 0.60
sample 0.004 0.12 0.004 0.12
$<- 0.002 0.06 0.002 0.06
parse 0.002 0.06 0.002 0.06
total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
<Anonymous> 3.326 100.00 0.000 0.00
bubble_sort7 3.322 99.88 2.704 81.30
eval 3.322 99.88 0.000 0.00
which.max 0.594 17.86 0.594 17.86
- 0.020 0.60 0.020 0.60
sample 0.004 0.12 0.004 0.12
doTryCatch 0.004 0.12 0.000 0.00
tryCatchList 0.004 0.12 0.000 0.00
tryCatchOne 0.004 0.12 0.000 0.00
$<- 0.002 0.06 0.002 0.06
parse 0.002 0.06 0.002 0.06
srcfilecopy 0.002 0.06 0.000 0.00
[1] 0.002
[1] 3.326